Fat Lipolysis

Fat Lipolysis

This refers to a medical procedure in which a physician takes a small sample of a patient’s skin to examine and make a diagnosis of a wide range of conditions including fungal and bacterial infections (Nischal , Nischal & Khopkar, 2008). It is an ideal tool for the diagnosis and management of skin conditions.

There are several methods of carrying out a skin biopsy, and they include shave biopsy, punch biopsy, wedge biopsy and saucerization biopsy (Kademani & Tiwana, 2015).

Ceccarelli Fat Lipolysis has quite a recent history. It was developed in Italy by Professor C Ceccarellia regenerative and physiological scientist (Hasengschwandtner, 2006). The therapy was developed to facilitate the removal of small fatty deposits in different parts of the body. From Italy, the mesotherapy solution has been able to spread to other parts of the world. However, injection therapy lipolysis therapy has its origins in Brazil where Dr Rittes started administering a liquid lecithin product by the name phosphatidylcoline to his patients (Hasengschwandtner, 2006). Containing chemicals extracted from Soya beanphosphatidylcoline has been in therapeutic use for more than 15 years. Initially, it was used in treating cholesterol level disorders but over the last couple of years, it is being used in injections made to break down fat deposits under the skin (Kamalpour & Leblanc 2016).

The main ingredients in Ceccarelli solution are iron, Vitamin C and lignocaine. Vitamin C is utilized as a pro-oxidant. This because when put together with iron , ascorbic acid serves as a reducing agent, thereby initiating Fenton’s metabolism (Prendergast & Shiffman, 2011). The end results is a mixture containing high levels of hydroxyl type radicals. The radicals trigger cellular apoptosis in fat cells which in turn activates calcium channels in the cell membrane. This brings about an increase in the amount of calcium entering the cells (Prendergast & Shiffman, 2011). The high calcium levels in the cells triggers the release of cytochrome C and an additional chain of events that in the end bring about the apoptosis of fat cells (Prendergast & Shiffman, 2011)

Ceccarelli Fat Lipolysis is medically applied in fat-loss treatment. It is used to remove unwanted fats from different regions of the body including love handles, the tummy, saddle bags and hips (Prendergast Shiffman, 2011). The number of treatments a patient needs will depend on the amount of fats in the region where it has to be removed. For an average amount of fat, between two and three treatments are enough.

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